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Our Products: Kubota

Kubota KX 121-2 121-2SS Tension Idler

RD101-21300 Kubota Idler
Kubota KX 121-2 121-2SS Tension Idler
Buy aftermarket front idlers for your Kubota 121-2 mini excavators online at Rubbertrax and save time and money.
SKU: RD101-21300
Weight: 68 lbs
Make: Kubota
Shipping: Fast and Free!
Price: $509.40

Rubber tracks and wear parts are sold individually unless specified in the details. We offer free shipping across the USA when you order online and ship to a commercial address. *Some restrictions apply.

This is the aftermarket replacement front tension idler for Kubota 121-2 and 121-2SS mini excavators.

This idler is a complete assembly with mounting brackets. The idler must be replaced to keep the track tensioned properly when significant wear is present. If you run on worn idlers the track will lose tension and many other problems will occur. Keep your track tensioned properly by greasing the tension idler into place and check the tension daily and evaluating the wear on the sprockets and idlers. Uneven wear will result in premature track damage. You will see the best results and longest lifespan of the undercarriage if you maintain the tension and replace wear parts simultaneously.

Alternate Part Number: Kubota dealer part number: RD101-21300, RD108-21300
Alternate Model:
The RD101-21300 tension idler is known to fit the KX121-2 exclusively.
Alternate Part:
There are no known alternate part listings for the KX121-2 mini excavator, this idler wheel is guaranteed to fit.

Kubota KX 121-2 Construction Parts:

Here is the complete line of undercarriage parts for the Kubota KX 121-2 including the rubber track, Drive Sprocket, Bottom Rollers, Top Rollers, and Tension Idler.