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Takeuchi TB125 TB235 Bottom Roller

Takeuchi TB125 TB235 Bottom Roller
Takeuchi TB125 TB235 Bottom Roller
This mini excavator inside guide style bottom track roller is designed to replace Takeuchi TB 125, TB 235, TB 138, and TB 135 rollers. There are different guide types for these Takeuchi models so please verify if the picture looks very similar to your existing rollers.
SKU: 04313-11100
Weight: 17 lbs
Make: Takeuchi
Price: $194.40

Rubber tracks and wear parts are sold individually unless specified in the details. We offer free shipping across the USA when you order online and ship to a commercial address. *Some restrictions apply.

04313-11100 Takeuchi Roller Assembly

Buy aftermarket inside guide bottom rollers for Takeuchi mini excavators online at Rubbertrax. There are two different part numbers for this roller that are commonly mistaken. Please verify exactly which roller you have by looking closely at the picture and reading the description so we can guarantee you get the correct roller the first time. The difference between the two rollers is the guide type. This roller has a flange down the center of the track (inside guide) opposed to the alternate roller that only has the flanges on the outside.

Each roller is designed for a different track setup, if you have any questions give us a call or email us a picture of your roller and we will determine which roller you need.

This roller part number 04313-11100 is guaranteed to fit the following mini excavator models:


  • Takeuchi TB025
  • Takeuchi TB125
  • Takeuchi TB135
  • Takeuchi TB138FR
  • Takeuchi TB228
  • Takeuchi TB230
  • Takeuchi TB235
  • Takeuchi TB240

Alternate Part Numbers

  • Takeuchi Dealer Part Number: 04313-11100

Optional Part Availability

The 04313-11100 bottom track roller is guaranteed to fit the TB125, TB138FR, TB228, TB235, TB135, interchangeably. The alternate is a common outside guide replacement roller and in some cases either roller will work for your set up but please verify.

Takeuchi TB125 Construction Equipment Parts